This topic has been popped out in my head several times, and i've been wondering about this long time enough. why on earth many girls attracted to bad boys? i never think of myself would be included to that kind of girls, but, after watching gossip girl for a while ( i loveee GG!), i found out that my male favorite character is....chuck bass, the bad boy type. and not only 'bad' he got his own reputation as 'motherchucker'.. and guess who my female fave charater is? The Blair Waldorf. THE BITCH. hahaha..

and lately i found out that the bad characters, the antagonist characters, have their own charm. maybe this is what people called ' opposite attraction'. like magnet, sometimes people attracted to something or someone which is opposite from him/herself. and maybe people get bored with their life, and wanting to feel something new, so they search the new experience and the new feeling from someone or something that they dont get used to. something or someone that comes from their outer circle of life.
i cant explain based on psychology theory, because i dont know much about that. but i do want to know why this kind of attraction happened. anyone? hehe
well, it's just a babbling post. just wondering about things that i dont undertand..
but, dont get me wrong, i only find out bad boys or bad girls attractive in movies. i really dont like bad boys or bitches in my circle of life. dont u dare messed up with me! LOL...
and one more thing, i can understand why people like antagonist characters in movies, but i really dont understand why people still like bad boy and bitches type in their REAL LIFE. dont you think your life and your heart is too precious to be with the bad person for the rest of your life?
well, just wondering. after all, it's their own life and it's their own choice. so, whatever..hehehee..
babbling in the middle of final project deadline
Actually, you are that type of girl who is attracted to badboys. Yeah not that type of 'badboys' that will brake ur heart, i think. But definitely u're not attracted to Mr. nice guy, rite?
Fyi, de. Bad boys are usually more romantic and really know how to make girl's heart fly to the moon. In opposite, mr. nice guy usually be the insensitive one. That's why the girls like badboys more.
In the other hand, the insensitiveness (is that really a word, btw? haha) make them also insensitive to other girls. that's why every girls would choose them in the end for a long term relationship.
wow din! good theory! anyway, u seem know me too well, more than i know my self hehehehehehe
"Yeah not that type of 'badboys' that will brake ur heart"
BRAKE? whahahahaha
mentertawakan kebodohan sendiri...
Ah saya ga sgitu mengenalmu ah, emangnya Tuhan. haha
haha...iya, pas baca juga mikir "ga salah neh dea? bukannya dia juga suka bad boy?"
haha, ternyata dina juga bilang gitu.
makanya kan dulu kita berasa tipe cowo kita mirip de, karena dulu juga cc suka badboy. sampe akhirnya menyadari bahwa cc ga selalu membutuhkan yang cc sukai. Artinya...sepertinya yang cc butuhkan justru goodboy.
dan kayaknya kamu juga gitu. hehe...
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