16 dec 2008
was my birthday.
the time when i feel much loved, and surrounded by a lot of people, friends, family, siblings, who loves me and care for me..
thanks for all the bday wishes.... really really really appreciate that.. thanks for making my life much more colorful and valuable.. =D
16 dec 2008
was the time when one of my high school friend has passed away.
Ricky A. Setiawan, has passed away on dec 16th 2008, because of pendarahan otak (i dunno what the english version is)
he was still young, early 20, and just about to begin his life, his career.
as far as i know, he just knew he was sick on monday, and he was in critical condition, and only the day after, tuesday, he has passed away...
so soon, huh?
so sorry, in the middle of my happiness, there is a lot of people grieving..
personally i dont really know him, but when he is gone, somehow i feel lost, and make me think a lot..
kita nggak akan pernah tau umur orang, dan nggak akan tau kapan dan bagaimana seseorang akan pergi ninggalin kita. jangan sampe ketika seseorang itu pergi, yang ada hanya penyesalan.. penyesalan karena belom ngelakuin something, ato karena masih ada hal yang belom diselesaikan..
ketika temen gw ini meninggal, FS nya penuh comment dari temen2 yang mau say goodbye, or sekedar ceritain kenangan sama ricky.. dan, semua comment itu isinya positif, karena mengenang ricky sebagai teman yang baik..
hmm.. gw jadi mikir, kalo suatu saat nanti giliran gw dipanggil pulang, gimana ya reaksi temen2, sodara, famili gw? apa gw udah melakukan hal yang baik, be a blessing for my family, friends, siblings, and leaving a good memory in everyone's heart who know me? i wish i could see their reaction.. hehehe.. sangat kepo ya..
well, i guess, reaksi orang2 nantinya akan ditentukan oleh sikap dan gimana hubungan2 gw yang skrg dengan mereka.. i pray that i could be a blessing to whom i love, whom i care about, and to whoever knows me.. =)
so, thankiu Ricky A. Setiawan.. may you rest in peace.. thanks for being a part of my life, and making my life much more colorful..and even when you're gone, i still learned a lot from you.. thanks... say hi to God from me hehehehe..
Rest in Peace,
Ricky A. Setiawan on December 16th, 2008
Mazmur 127
8 years ago