Thursday, July 29, 2010

Finally! Finally! Finally!

Setelah sekian lama tergoda rayuan mautnya,
Setelah semakin banyak sahabat yang pake,
setelah semakin digoda sahabat dan teman untuk pake,
Setelah (semakin) merasa ketinggalan informasi,
dan setelah membulatkan hati dan tekad (seperti "gue janji ga bakal jadi autis!"),

akhirnya saya pun ikut dalam komunitas pengguna beri hitam

Finally i have one!

taa daaa!!

(it's not really mine tho, it's just random pic from internet)

Mine is still a baby, not yet one week old, but i have missed my nokia already.

To be honest, i still think my previous E63 is much better than Gemini. Nokia is still more user friendly, more stylish, more comfortable ( to hold, to type, and to looked at). Blackberry is kinda too complicated for me, and i hate it's setting layout. Nokia is much nicer and easier to use. If not for it's Blackberry Messenger, i think i wont buy one. (Udah beli dan udah pake aja masih banyak komplain haha).

And what i miss most is, believe it or not, text message! I love to save meaningful SMS,and i have plenty of that in my old inbox. I love to save beautiful quotes message, birthday greetings, and many of meaningful messages from my family, friends, and boyfriend. and I do love to re-read those, to remind me that i am loved. And i really hate it when i cant do that on Blackberry. Almost everybody contact me via BBM, included my bf, and it's different when you text someone (SMS) and when you ping someone on BBM. Yes, via BBM we can chat animatedly, more interactively, but somehow i missed the old way, sms. And since i cant save much meaningful message now, i dont have much reminders now. Ugh..

Anyhow, i have thought a lot before buying that, and in the end, i have decided to buy it because of many reasons. I do love BB, because i can ping anyone anytime, i can be updated with so many info from various source, i can get information easier, and it does help me to (re)connect with my old friends.

Well, as long as i still keep my promise, not to be lost in my own world while using Blackberry, esp whenever i am with my bf, friends, or family hehe.

So, hello Blackberry Community! Count me in! yay! :D

Monday, July 19, 2010


missing days of my younger life

days when I could just play around,

days when I could laugh, cry, dance wholeheartedly,
without really have to think about the future

days when I could live freely, experimentally, doing mistakes,
without really have to think about the consequences

and suddenly,
Beatles' song "Yesterday" keep playing in my mind
'Yesterday, All my troubles seemed so far away, '


and now i promise to myself,
while i still get a chance,
i will live and love wholeheartedly

My youthful life only come once, and it would never come back.
So, let's live, love, and enjoy life.

Because it's God's greatest gift

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Story About The Hat

My former teacher tagged me in his note about this beautiful story. It's really meaningful and has inspired me much.

The Story About The Hat by Max Lucado

There is this boy lives in a town where all people are wearing hat according to their own self. A baker will have a baker's hat, a tailor will have a tailor;s hat, a carpenter will have a carpenter hat, all of them have their own accessories on the hat to show who they are.

So, everybody in this town will have a hat when they reach 17 years old. Actually, the father of this boy is the town hat maker. So, his father has made everybody's hat and will continue to make everybody's hat.

Then, the boy is so excited when he will be 17, that means he will get his own hat! But then, he is wondering, what kind of the hat he will have? So, he takes a walk in the town, and he meets the baker. "Ah, I have a perfect hat for you!" said the baker, then he gets a very big size baker hat and put on this boy's head. So heavy, and big, the boy said, never mind, he is a polite and nice boy, he is supposed to honor the baker.

He walks in the street and meets the tailor, and the tailor asks him to come into her house. She said to him," I don't think the baker's hat fits for you! Let me give you the tailor's hat, SEE! It fits PERFECT with you." And the boy thinks, really? But he is a polite boy and must not offend the adults when they talk. But he also think about the baker. So, he keeps both hats and put on at this head.

And he walks again, and meet the carpenter, the carpenter also gives him his hat, and finally, most of everybody in town give this boy their hat. But the boy is a polite boy, and he can not offend everybody and he is still also confused what hat that he wants.

So, he always wears all the hats that everybody gave him, even in the classroom. One day, the hats are so heavy in his head, and he falls down when teacher is teaching him a lesson in class and his friends are laughing at him. When the teacher sees that, she asks him to take out all the hats. "I can't, I will offend everybody, besides, I don't know what to choose from these hats, every hats is special." Teacher says to him, "YES, but you can't wear all those hats at the same time, you always fall down!"

Then, the boy is sad, and go home with all those hats (and having difficulty to hold the hats together in place!) and he meets his father (the hat maker). The father is amazed with all the hats the boy has in his head, and of course the father can see how difficult this boy holds all those hats together. And the father asks the boy, "Where do you get all these hats?" And the boy says, "It is from everybody."

The father smiles, "They look very heavy on your head." The boy nods. Then the father takes all those hats from the boy's head and says to him, " I am the hat maker, why don't you ask me of what kind of hat that suits for you?"

The boy just realizes that his father is THE hat maker. His father asks, "Do you want me to make your hat." The boy nods quickly.

His father smiles, "Come, tell me.......what kind of hat do you want?"

How many times do we ask others' opinion about our lives? How many times do we ask others to get direction for our life' journey? Too much asking, too much opinion, and too much consideration. People keep telling us what to do best, what they THINK the best for us, but at the end, we might lose our identity. We might ended up getting even more confused with our lives. Dont we?

I am not telling you to stop asking others' opinion, but maybe we should stop depending to others' opinion, and believing that they (their opinions) are the truth. Maybe it's time to start asking "The Hat Maker", or in our case, "Our creator", who knows exactly the blue print of our lives. Maybe it's time to start searching for His will, and His will only in our lives. Only He knows the best for us, not our parents, our partner, our best friends, or even ourselves.

Monday, July 12, 2010

and this euphoria is over

This early morning (WIB) was world cup final, and i missed it!! hiks

Not that i am such a big fan of world cup,
and not that i regretted it much,
it's just my friends were having a conference again, and i missed our togetherness,
and just because I like to be a part of world's event which everyone's talking about


i just love to be involved in this world's euphoria, because i love moments.

and now it's over.

for sure i'll miss that Waka-waka song,
for sure i'll misss that footbal conversation, wherever and whenever i go
for sure i'll miss that excitement and passion
and of course
for sure i'll miss that midnite conference

thank you World Cup for the excitement you have bring, and for this euphoria.

but i am also glad it's over, finally i'll have my bf back *LOL (kidding, luv)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Nobar bola sama cewe vs sama cowo

Bangun tidur pagi tadi rasanya berat banget. Kenapa? Tak lain tak bukan karena abis nonton bola, dengan tokoh utama Spanyol, Jerman dan Paul si gurita.

Gue? nonton bola? hahaha.. Seumur-umur hidup baru kali ini saya begadang khusus buat nonton bola. Kalo begadang gara-gara main, ngobrol, ato bikin tugas sih sering, tapi nonton bola? bener-bener baru kemaren!

Sebenernya bukan pertandingannya yang bikin saya niat nonton sampe bela-belain gitu, tapi embel-embelnya. Jadi ceritanya, saya dan teman-teman cewe udah janjian mau nonton bola Germany vs Spain, dan sambil nonton kita conference via ym. Nah, conference nya itu loh yg saya tunggu-tunggu hahaha.. Ga ikut nonton duel maut Ger vs Spain sih gapapa, tapi kalo ga ikutan conference subuh-subuh? Ko rasanya sayang ya utk dilewatkan.. Kapan lagi conference sama sahabat2 cewe, subuh-subuh, sambil nonton semifinal piala dunia lagi! Langka banget kayanya haha.

so, dibela-belain deh begadang demi event tak terulang ini..Skalian kangen juga sama sensasi begadang :D

Actually, i ended up chatting most of the time, dan ga terlalu perhatiin permainannya.. (on the second thought, maybe it's just because i still used laptop to chat. it would be different if i used Blackberry *grin). But it was totally fun!

Ternyata nobar/nonton bareng (walo via chat, ato via phone) sama cewe dan cowo bener-bener beda ya. Saya sempat nobar via phone sm cowo saya, dan hasilnya adalah saya bener-bener ngeliatin permainan, ngerti gol yang bagus, ngerti kenapa itu kartu kuning,kenapa kartu merah, (baru) ngerti yang namanya offside, peraturan penalti, dan peraturan-peraturan lainnya, juga jadi tau pemain mana yang jago dan terkenal. Serasa udah jadi football expert cuma dengan menonton 1 pertandingan haha.

Dan kalo nobar bareng cewe, hasilnya adalah saya cuma ngeliatin yang mana pemain-pemain ganteng, dan sibuk komentar-komentar ga penting cuma buat seru-seruan! Pertanyaan pertama yang dilontarkan waktu mulai conference adalah, "Jadi, siapa aja nih pemain yang ganteng?" haha. Lalu disebutkanlah sederet nama, dan yang saya lakukan pada menit-menit selanjutnya sepanjang pertandingan adalah memperhatikan pemain-pemain dengan nomor-nomor tersebut sambil sekali-sekali berkomentar ga penting, trutama soal si gurita peramal itu hehe.

Sebenernya sih dalam kondisi normal saya ga terlalu perhatiin mana yang ganteng, kalo pas ngeliat aja baru komentar. Tapi mungkin karena kemaren nobar nya bareng cewe-cewe, sepertinya ngeliatin cowo ganteng itu hal yang "wajib" dan "lumrah" dilakukan..haha..

Dan konferensi tersebut berakhir dengan kesedihan, karena negara yang sama-sama kami jagokan kalah! Bahkan ada teman yang sudah pasrah dan keluar dari conference pada detik-detik terakhir pertandingan, hanya karena tak sanggup menyaksikan kekalahan Jerman. Hahaha. Sejujurnya sih saya ga gitu peduli siapa yang menang, saya kan cuma tim penggembira musiman yang mau ikutan euhporia piala dunia :D

well, eniwei, it was totally fun, to have a really girly chat. What a night. Dan ternyata, saya masih kuat begadang, lho! hihi.. Hari ini masih bisa kerja seperti biasa dan ga terlalu terganggu dengan si ngantuk. Senangnya..

Jadi pengen nobar sama si cewe-cewe itu lagi pas final ... :) :)

Btw, ini dia Paul si gurita peramal yang sukses dihina-hina sesubuh tadi, dari awal pertandingan sampe selesai, dan sampe hari ini pun masih jadi trending topic di twitter. Paul si gurita yang ngeramalin kemenangan Spanyol atas Jerman semalam (dan ternyata benar), sukses jadi the most wanted octopus yang pengen digoreng, disate, ato dijadiin takoyaki :D