Monday, February 28, 2011

For my dear sister

Dear my sister, Nirmala Putri

Hai cici, ini template blog yang aku pilihin buat cici, yang menurut aku cici banget hahaha. I hope you like it.

Aku sebenernya ga tau yang cici suka kaya gimana, paling ga bisa nebak selera orang. Waktu nyari template, yang kepikiran adalah warna kuning/orange (as you requested), something simple yet complicated, something mature, and something sensitive yet strong. Dan 1 lagi, something to do with nature; entah kenapa kalo inget cici kayanya tema alam itu masuk aja haha.

Dari sekian banyak pilihan, aku udah persempit jadi 2. You can choose which one you like most, or if you didnt like both of them, it's ok though :)

Semuanya aku ambil dari Shabby blogs, yang salah 1 nya aku jadiin template blog aku juga. Dan karena aku ga bisa share link per item dari situ, jadi aku kasih judul dan preview aja ya, nanti cici cari sendiri di blognya. okay?

The first one, outer banks

As i said before, nature themes reminds me of you, dunno why, especially beach themes. Walo cici bukan gadis pantai, tapi berasa identik aja buat cici haha. Match with your personality somehow, unpredictable. And because for me, beach reminds me of hope, as my dad said just go to the beach and you'll find hope. So, whenever you looked at this theme, I want you to remember that you should never lose hope, and never give up. Cia yo! :D

The second one, Spring sunrise

Sekilas, theme ini terlihat simple, but if you looked closely, u'll find that it isn't that simple. Kalo di zoom gambarnya, bakal keliatan ada semacam teks yang seakan tertimpa warna oranye. Something is hidden behind that cheerful color. I think in someway, it's just like you. Dari luar ceria, tapi kalau kenal lebih dalam, ada hal-hal yang di keep dengan baik dan rapat, yang mungkin ga tampak dari luar. You know, sometimes i admire you in hiding your feeling ci :) And like everything else, it has both positive and negative sides.

Warna oranye di theme ini kalem, tapi ada garis vertikal abu2 yang memberi kesan kuat. Sensitive, yet strong enough. Just like you, kuat tapi rapuh, peka tapi cuek juga. Am i right? :)

Desain keseluruhan yang terlihat 'mature', dan gambar bunga realis yang memperkuat kesan dewasa. So, for me, ini desain theme yang paling mewakili dirimu, ci..

Jadi 'utang' aku udah kelar yahh..hihi. Just tell me, do you like it? And do you think i am right in analyzing you? hahaha.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sakitnya refleksi :(

Weekend kemaren saya untuk pertama kalinya nyobain pijat refleksi untuk kesehatan di daerah Gading. Kenapa? Gara-garanya si pacar tiba-tiba kakinya sakit, kayanya salah urat, jadilah kita kesana buat pijet, urut, skalian refeleksi. Tempat refleksi ini emang langganannya dia dan ortunya, kalo berasa ga enak badan mereka suka kesitu buat direfleksi. Nah, kalau saya baru pertama kali kesana, karena biasanya saya ga pernah ikut kalo mereka refleksi, dan saya itu orangnya ga tahan dipijet apalagi direfleksi, ga tahan sakit haha *cemen. Kalo pijetnya model lulur sih saya suka, itu pijet2 yang santai kan, tapi kalo pijet refleksi, saya ga berani. Sebelumnya saya pernah sih pijet model refleksi gitu juga, dan itu saya suka, tapi menurut si pacar itu si bukan refleksi, cuma foot massage, karena ga sakit sama sekali.

Singkat cerita, karena saya penasaran, dan karena ga tau mau ngapain sambil nunggu si pacar direfleksi (sejam, bo!) akhirnya saya memberanikan diri refleksi. Dasar saya orangnya kepo, kadang rasa penasaran bisa mengalahkan rasa takut. Kalau sakit ya udah ga usah kesana lagi, yang penting udah tau rasanya gimana. Begitu pikir saya. hahaha

And the very first moment she (kebetulan therapist nya itu cewe) touched my foot, langsung berasa sakit! Dimanapun dia pijet, bahkan di tangan yang banyak dagingnya, tetep aja berasa sakit. Gile, kapok2 deh saya. Heran, kalo liat sekeliling kayanya orang-orang santai2 aja direfleksi, bahkan ada yang bisa tidur nyenyak pas lagi direfleksi (contoh, si pacar). Kalo saya, boro-boro bisa tidur, menahan diri buat stay di tempat dan ga gerak-gerak aja susah hahaha. Sakit bangett!! Mau dia pijet di kaki (telapak kaki, naik ke atas sampe lutut), sampe tangan, sampe pundak, bahkan pinggang, semuanya sakit. Saya sampe tanya, ini saya yang emang lagi sakit ato gimana, ko semuanya berasa sakit ya. Untung therapistnya bilang emang normalnya kalo direfleksi itu sakit, dan mungkin emang badannya ga fit aja. Yaudah deh saya tahan-tahanin sambil meringis-ringis hahaha. kayanya cuma saya deh yang sampe meringis-ringis gitu hehe.

Dan bagian yang paling sakit itu di telapak kaki. Entah, mungkin kaki saya emang sensitif, karena pernah robek di telapak kaki, ato emang saya banyak penyakitnya, ato emang ga tahan sakit aja. Ada satu bagian di telapak kaki yang kalo dia pijet itu sakitttt banget, dan setelah ditanya ke mbak nya itu bagian apa, dia bilang itu lambung. Yah well, saya emang ada masalah sama lambung hahaha. Di bagian telapak kaki yang tersambung ke lambung ini tuh bener-bener sakit, sampe sekarang masih terngiang2 rasa sakitnya *lebay. Dan untuk bagian itu, bahkan setelah selesai refleksi masih terasa sakit. Berasa kaki saya agak memar, kalo dipegang ato diteken sedikit jadi sakit. Resmilah saya kapok dan ga lagi-lagi ikut refleksi kesehatan. Kalo foot massage biasa yang ga sakit sih dengan senang hati hahaha.

Btw, cowo saya bilang, abis refleksi emang normal sakit-sakit badannya, dan baru berasa enak setelah 2-3 hari. Tapi sekarang udah lewat 2 hari ko badan saya masih sakit-sakit ya? Telapak kakinya masih agak sakit kalo ditekan, agak sakit kalo jalan kebanyakan, betis juga masih sakit, dan pinggang masih sakit, kaya lagi sakit pinggang kalo mau dapet (mens). Tsk. Bukannya seger malah berasa sakit setelahnya, jadi lemes gitu hahaha.

Well, buat yang pengen coba refleksi, jangan ga jadi refleksi gara-gara saya ya. Mungkin emang saya aja yang ga tahan sakit, ato pas lagi ga fit, jadi berasa sakit haha. Buat yang tahan dan suka refleksi sih seneng-seneng aja tuh, mereka malah berasa seger abis direfleksi. Bahkan kemaren ini ada anak kecil yang juga dipijet-pijet, paling baru umur 2 tahun, dan dia tenang-tenang aja tuh, ga rewel dan nangis-nangis pas dipijet-pijet. Katanya sih ada juga yang refleksi/pijet untuk therapy macem-macem.

Kalo saya sih, walaupun itu buat kesehatan sekalipun, cukup sekali saja, terimakasih.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Ditolak lagi, lagi dan lagi

Desain saya baru saja ditolak lagi sama si bos. hahaha.

Saking udah sering ditolak, kali ini udah 'mati rasa', mungkin karena udah bosen (atau cape) ditolak melulu ya. Ditolak-tolak gini mah udah dari jaman kuliah, loh. Ditolak desain mah udah lagu lama haha. Yah, karena uda bosen mellow-mellow, desperate karena desain ditolak, kali ini saya memutuskan buat think positive aja deh. Siapa tau dari sekian banyak kegagalan ngedesain ini one day saya bisa jadi desainer interior canggih. Amin. Mumpung masih kerja sama orang juga kan, kalo nantinya ditolak-tolak sama klien kayanya bakal bisa lebih sakit hati. Ya kan?

So, walo desain ditolak, no worries, i still have some more ideas in my head. Cheer up :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

me and my job

If you noticed, i never talked about my job, and this is my first post about my job. Why? I dunno, i just dont like to talk about it, because maybe i am still struggling about it, if it was the right job, and if it was the right 'company'. Why did i write 'company', i'll tell you later.

I am actually an interior designer. But, to be honest, i dont feel like one, far from it. I dont think myself can be considered as a designer. Why? Because i am not creative enough, I dont have a certain typical designer's style and characteristic. You know, you can tell if someone is a truly designer by their appearance, they usually have a distinguished style, dont you think? And if you looked at me, i bet you cant tell that i am a designer. Beside, i dont like if someone asked me to be a part of decoration team at my church, i dont like decorating. And i cant tell something as a good design or not, i can only tell if i like it or not, because i think everyone has their own taste and preferences, and there is nothing like an excellent and extraordinary design. it's bad, because i cant choose for someone else, because what i think nice maybe not nice for someone else, beside, even it's hard for me to choose and decide for myself haha.

I feel bad, i dont think i fit this profession, i dont think i can do this for the rest of my life, and i dont think i have what people called passion in this job. I dont have a dream company, and i cant imagine myself having my own bussiness. even when someone offer me a freelance job, i was really afraid and i didnt dare to accept the offer, i even didnt want to try. why? because im scared. Scared that i would fail. And i feel worse because my parents had paid a lot for my study, and actually i graduated with a good mark (thanks to Him of course). i really dont know what's wrong with me and what should i do.

I have working as an interior designer for almost 2 years, and i havent found myself really enjoying it. i have much flaws. my boss always said that i am lack about details. I know that, but i dont know how on earth i can improve my details about everything. What i mean about details is put attention into small details, like when you meet someone, you should remember what kind of shirt she wore, what kind of hairstyle she has, what color of her shoes, etc, and i am not that kind of person who can remember details. but in my field of work, details like that are very important. i can easily forget what i have seen before, and it can cause a big mistake. then if my boss told me something like, this house design at this magazine is very amazing, you know, i cant find which part is amazing. and if he told me that he found something interesting in a book, then asked me to guess it, i really cant guess it. i dont know why something is called a good design. really i dont know. and it's frustating. feels like something really wrong with myself.

i work for someone who is working as a freelance architect. This is not his main bussiness, and he only does this as his hobby. He and his wife are still young, only 5-6 years older than me. They are really a nice person, they want me to find my design characteristic, and willing to help me to be a good designer. They also encourage me to be independent and have my own company one day. That's why he gave me a deadline, i can only work with him for 5 years. What kind of boss i have haha. You know, i am really grateful to have that kind of boss, it's hard to find a good one nowadays, isnt it? And that's why i told you before that i am working for a 'company', because technically it's not a company, i just working for someone.

On one side, i have a lot of flexibilities, i have fixed work time, but if i have something to do i can only ask my boss permission, so my time is flexible, as long as i have my work done. I dont have to do overtime, i can wear casual shirt and pants for work (because i rarely meet the clients directly), and over here i dont have much workload, so i can use my time to do something else. Also because i work almost every project from the beginning, i can learn much for the whole project. i can learn what to do to be a freelancer. it's very useful for my future if one day i decide to be independent (if only).

but on the other side, i have to pushed myself to learn something new, because i dont have much project (only about 1 project per year), so there is a lot of time when i have nothing to do. sometimes i feel like i waste my time here, but i know actually i can maximize my time with learning something else about design, there is always something new to learn, isnt it. And also i am single fighter over here, there is only me working as his assistant, and sometimes i get bored because i dont have any friends to talk. Yes i can find my friend and chat online, but maybe it would be different if i have colleagues. Technically im not alone in this office, because there are two more person working at his house as his admin staffs (for his other bussiness). But still, it think it would be nice to have someone to discuss about my work, and they understand very well.

Until now i am still struggling whether i should move or i should stay. I have pros and cons. So far i still decide to stay, because my job now isnt stressful, near from home, and i have much spare time to do something else, and also i dont know where i should work if i decided to move. But sometimes i am tempted to move to a bigger company, and gaining more knowledge, but, as you know, it;s not easy to look for a job, i dont feel confidence with my skill, and it;s hard to leave my comfort zone. Argh, it's frustating somehow, i dont know what to do and what i should do with this life.

if you asked me, do i like interior design itself? Well, i like it, at least i used to like it. sometimes i think because i consider interior design as a job, i cant think of it as freely as before. i cant think designing as a hobby, and as something that i like. i always like designing a house at the sims game (do you know game the sims? it's about controlling someone's life, including building their house), and i used to like going to a store like Mitra 10, index, etc. i still like index, but at some time, i dont even want to go in because it reminded me of my job. i guess i have to change my mind and perspective. i have to try to love design, to find my burried love about designing. Sometimes it's also frustating to be a person who thinks about almost everything hahaha.

So, what i should do now? My boss and his wife (his wife is also an interior designer btw) always urged me to think outside the box, to think about something new. He told me that he really likes my final project, but why he hasnt find that kind of design on my work until now? well, i dont know either. i dont know how come i can design like that for my final project. What i know, while i work i havent performed my best until now, i can feel it, i know i can do better. But how? hahaha. My boyfriend said that i need competitor. If i have none, i will be just like i am now, bored, lack of progress, and i will be encouraged to do better if i have someone to compete. Maybe he's right. Somehow i have such an ego that i dont want to be underestimated and i dont want to lose. And since i work alone, i dont have coworkers to be compared with, and maybe i feel "safe".

A couple of days ago, i was told again by my boss and his wife. He even said that he already get bored with my design. Uh oh, that's not good. And i think that's enough. i have to do something. i have to improve myself, i have to show them what i've got, at least i have to try to give everything that i can. If i think about my final project, i know that i have done what i could for it, i have gone all out, and in the end, i dont really care for the result. And apparently i got a good mark too. I guess it's what i should do now, to go all out, to do everything that i can. The result is up to Him.

From my past experience, this kind of things happenned a couple of times to me. To be underestimated at the beginning, failing again and again and again, doing what i think as my best but still failed, and at the end, i can only surrender to Him, i can only do what i can do, without daring to think about the result. And after that rejection and failiure, i found my self get better, get a better marks, and in the end i understand that i need to be rejected and feel the failure first, so i will understand that what i've got is all because of Him. Otherwise i may think that i can because i can, while the truth is, it's all about His grace and love.

Suddenly i feel very blessed, and feels like He directly say to me that it's okay to feel this way now, to feel uncapable,to feel helpless, and clueless; because He, Himself will help me, and will do the finishing touch. I dont need to worry about anything, about my future, i dont have to think over and over again if it's the right job, because i dont need to, because what matter most is i do what i can while i have time. The rest, He will take care of it.

Thank You Lord that i have You, i know i should be reminded everyday and everytime that i dont need my own strength, because it wont be enough, that's why i have to fully depend on You. Thank you.

*at the beginning, i write this just because i need to let go of my emotion and as a way of self talk,
but at the end, miracously i find myself feel blessed, and be reminded of His love. Isnt He wonderful? :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's day award

Valentine's day berarti saat-saat bermellow-mellow ria, dimana bertebaran kata-kata cinta nan gombal, lagu-lagu picisan, film-film romantis-menjual mimpi, di mana harga coklat dan bunga jadi mahal berkali-kali lipat, dan dimana sejuta harapan dan ekspektasi bertebaran di benak orang-orang yang merayakannya.Right? :p

For me, Valentine's day is just an ordinary day when almost everyone's celebrating. Dan saya, sebagai seorang sanguin, seneng aja jadi bagian dari excitement itu. Seneng ikut-ikutan 'ngerayain', walau ga diniatin segitunya. seneng karena ada hari khusus yang bisa ditunggu-tunggu dan dirayakan. (Walo ga nolak kalo dikasih surprise pas valentine *ngarep - sayangnya tidak hahaha)

well,karena ini valentine, it's 'legal' to write about romantic irrational songs that i love. Dasar kodratnya cewe, seneng digombalin, walo tau semua kata-kata di lagu itu cuma kata-kata, too good to be true to be done by a mere human being :)

Belakangan ini gw baru ngeh sama lagu Sasha yang judulnya "Owner of my heart". Pertama denger, langsung suka banget sama kalimat "owner of my heart" (apalagi waktu itu si pacar yang lagi nyanyi-nyanyi tu lagu). Rasanya 'berbunga-bunga', walo itu bukan ditujukan ke saya, tapi entah kenapa begitu denger kalimat itu rasanya it's the most romantic thing to say haha *lebay. And i love the music too. Tapi setelah saya cari lirik keseluruhannya, ternyata ga seindah itu *jadi agak kecewa. But, it's okay, i still love this song.

So here it is, the first song for valentine's day award , Owner of My Heart by Sasha

Owner of My Heart -Sasha

If you think I've let you down
Tried to fool you
There's no need to
If you think I've played around
Why to worry
You should know me
I've been true, right from the start
You're the owner of my heart

If you look straight in my eyes
You will know I'm not pretending
I don't hide, there's no disguise
Why you doubt me, that's a strange thing
I've been true, right from the start
You're the owner of my heart

I can't stand by watching you walk away
Knowing you still belong with me
Close by my side
You think I don't care,
But forever, I swear
Ooh, my love has grown stronger
And that I can't hide
I've been true right from the start
You're the owner of my heart

No one can tell me
'cause I know for sure
When I'm not with you, baby
I'm wasting my time
I'll do anything that you want me to do
Ooh, just call out my name, can't ya
Give me a sign, give me a sign

If you just give me some time
To convince you
We can pull through
Let me see what's on your mind
I won't change you
I don't have to
I've been true right from the start
You're the owner of my heart

Dan lagu gombal kedua yang saya suka belakangan ini, tak lain tak bukan adalah BRUNO MARS! saya jatuh cinta sama musik dari lagu Just The Way You Are, sukaa banget. Tapi baru belakangan ini saya benar-benar tau teks keseluruhannya, and i like it even more. Lirik nya sangat sweet, (dan sangat gombal). Tapi tetep aja "indah" di kuping hahaha.

Ini dia, lagu kedua di Valentine's day award, Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars.

Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars

Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see

But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

Her nails, her nails
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Oh you know, you know, you know
Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you're searching for
Then just stay the same

So don't even bother asking
If you look okay
You know I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

The way you are
The way you are
Girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

Next, masih lagunya Bruno Mars, yang saya mulai kategorikan sebagai penyanyi spesialisasi lagu-lagu gombal -yet very sweet, another version of ronan keating maybe, lagu yang judulnya Nothing On You. Im not sure if it is a pure bruno mars song, soalnya kadang saya menemukan lagu itu dimana si Bruno Mars cuma sebagai feature tambahan. Well, anyway, i still think this song as another sweet song. Love the lyric, love the music, eventhough i am kinda get bored with this song already.

Nothing On You by B.O.B & Bruno Mars

Beautiful girls all over the world, I could be chasing
But my time would be wasted, they got nothing on you, baby
Nothing on you, baby
They might say hi, and I might say hey
But you shouldn't worry, about what they say
'Cause they got nothing on you, baby (Yeah)
Nothing on you, baby (N-n-n-nothing on you baby, n-nothing on you)

I know you feel where I'm coming from
Regardless of the things in my past that I've done
Most of it really was for the hell of the fun
On a carousel, so around I spun
With no direction, just tryna get some
Tryna chase skirts, living in the summer sun
And so I lost more than I had ever won
And honestly, I ended up with none

It's so much nonsense, it's on my conscience
I'm thinking "maybe I should get it out"
And I don't wanna sound redundant
But I was wondering, if there was something that you wanna know
But never mind that, we should let it go
Cause we don't wanna be a TV episode
And all the bad thoughts, just let ;em go, go, go


Hands down, there will never be another one (nope)
I've been around, and I've never seen another one (never)
Because your style, I ain't really got nothin' on (nothing)
And you wild when you ain't got nothin' on? (haha)

Baby you the whole package
Plus you pay your taxes
And you keep it real, while them others stay plastic
You're my Wonder Woman, call me Mr. Fantastic
Stop- now think about it

I've been to London, I've been to Paris
Even way out there in Tokyo
Back home down in Georgia, to New Orleans
But you always steal the show
And just like that girl, you got me froze
Like a Nintendo 64
If you never knew, well, now you know, know, know


Everywhere I go, I'm always hearing your name
And no matter where I'm at, girl you make me wanna sing
Whether a bus or a plane, or a car, or a train
No other girl's on my brain, and you the one to blame


Yeah (laughing)
And that's just how we do it (laughing)
And I'ma just let this ride
And Bruno Mars

Anndd, ready for the sweetest song? It's not a new song though, but i really like this song, i still do until now. This is a very sweet song with a very sweet lyric. This is a song by Michael Buble, can you guess it already? yup,it's 'Everything'!

Everything - by Michael Buble

You're a falling star, you're the get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And you're the perfect thing to say.

And you play it coy but it's kinda cute.
Ah, when you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend that you don't know it's true.
'cause you can see it when I look at you.

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, you make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.

You're a carousel, you're a wishing well,
And you light me up, when you ring my bell.
You're a mystery, you're from outer space,
You're every minute of my everyday.

And I can't believe, uh that I'm your man,
And I get to kiss you baby just because I can.
Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through,
And you know that's what our love can do.


So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, you make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
You're every song, and I sing along.
'Cause you're my everything.
Yeah, yeah

So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

There, im done. There are four most romantic, irrational, and sweet song for me. Hanya tulisan iseng, dalam rangka menyambut Valentine's day. haha.So, what do you think?

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Let's spread the love!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Am on diet

I am officially on diet. Why? Because :

1. My 2 cousins are getting married on June and August. And i am going to be an usher at their wedding day, so i want to look good on that dress. One of them had bought me the dress, and told us (me and my other cousins) to go on diet if we think we're too big (how mean), so the dress will fit nicely on us. There, that's the first reason

2. I am going to BALI! Another cousin and her parents are going to visit us (they live abroad) in Indonesia, and my cousin asking me to accompany her to Bali. She has never been going to Bali, so she really want to visit Bali. So, me and my 3 cousins are going to Bali this april. I really look foward to it, and i am so excited, coz it'll be a girls only trip. Yeay! And, i am going to wear cute dress over there, so, i will have to keep my body in shape. I want to look nice at the picture hahaha.

So, i'm going to say this for the upcoming valentine's day :

Please dont buy me chocolate because im on diet, but if you insist to give me something, just buy me something else that i can wear :D

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yeay, it's working!

If you wondering what i am babbling about, just click here.

And now, it's working! Yeay!

What do you think about this new clothes? I like it better, a way different theme from the previous :p

What happenned with my 'new clothes'?

Did you notice the notification from shabby blog on the left side of my blog recently? (It's gone now). Shabby blog is a free blogger template website which i used for my old template. And about a month ago, came up that notification asking me, as a user, to gladly recopy the code for the background, because they have switched the server or something. They said if i didnt recopy the code, my background might dissapear by the end of january. Well, it's februari and my background still there. It was there.

Yeah, it was there, now it's gone. I dont understand why when i did change the code, my background dissapeared. It's all white, with the only 'shabby blog' button on the top left corner. What happenned? I have searched for clues on the web, but didnt find the answer. Well, hopefully it wasnt permanent, otherwise i have to choose another free blogger template :D

Btw, do you still remember my old background? I still like it, but kinda bored with this background :p Here is my last background

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hello February!

Hi guys! How's everyone doing? I just noticed that i was too occupied with things that i didnt write for a month and half! Wow, that's a record for me haha. I want to write but seemed like i didnt find anything interesting to write. Actually until now i still dont know what to write, so i will just write a short post this time, just to refresh my blog hehe.

Hello February, Hello Chinese New Year, and hello valentine. Hopefully this will be a great month with great memories and opportunities.


*At my office, CNY means more holiday. I got 3 days off this year for CNY holiday! Yeay! Happy holiday everyone :D