Thursday, November 18, 2010

Your job could kill you. Seriously!

Yesterday, i got news that one of my bf's colleague has passed away, because of heart attack. The shocking thing is, he was barely 30 years old! He supposedly was too young to have a heart atttack, wasnt he? And you know, just a day before he was still working overtime at his office, one of the big four public accountant office in indonesia. Scary, isnt it?

This, make me think, your job could kill you, seriously. The pressure, the workload, the unhealthy and unbalanced life, bad working environment, those could kill you slowly. Yes i know, we supposed to be strong and not give up easily facing this difficult life and chalenging work, but maybe you should define your limit. You have to hold steadfastly to your priority and life's value, so you could decide which one is important and which one is not. Once your work started to make your life unbalanced, even started to demand to be your first priority, maybe it's time to rethink and evaluate your life's value. Is your job, your position and your career worth more than your relationship, your health, even your life?

Think and decide wisely! Your money, your position, and your pride wont do any good if you dont have family and special person beside you, or you dont have health to enjoy all of it.

And for those whose friends, family, or beloved ones are trapped in difficult and stressful job, maybe it's wiser to not pushed them too hard, or demand them. Because, you'll never know someone's limit, just support them and be there whenever they need you. While praying they could just choose well, not giving up easily nor stubbornly holding their job.

Sigh. Life is really very short. You could live one day, and the next day you'll be gone. Scary.

*Yes i know, there are many possibilities why my bf's colleague got heart attack, but as far as i know, lots of stress could be one of the trigger. And as far as i know, working at the big four public accountant company is really a stressful work, not everyone could handle it well. So, i just think and write down the possibility :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

takdir, believe it or not?

Percayakah kamu akan takdir?
atau kamu percaya bahwa kamu menentukan hidupmu sendiri

Percayakah kamu akan jodoh?
atau kamu percaya bahwa jodoh itu pilihan

Percayakah kamu akan nasib?
atau kamu percaya bahwa nasib itu masalah keteguhan hati

Mengapa ada orang baik dan tulus yang hidupnya susah, dan mengapa ada orang licik yang usahanya selalu berhasil?

Mengapa ada orang egois yang dikelilingi banyak cinta, dan mengapa ada orang berhati besar yang hidup tanpa pendamping?

Kesuksesan tak pernah dapat diraih tanpa usaha keras, disiplin, dan keteguhan hati.
Di sisi lain, sekeras apapun usaha, disiplin dan tekad kita, selalu saja ada kemungkinan untuk gagal.

Diri sendiri dan orang lain tak akan pernah cukup untuk menjamin keberhasilan kita.
Begitupula dengan keteguhan hati, disiplin, dan kerja keras.

Tak pernah akan cukup.

Sepertinya selalu ada faktor T dan faktor A dalam segala hal. Selalu ada campur tangan Tuhan dalam segala sesuatu dan Anugerah yang memungkinkan kita mendapat hal yang sebenarnya tak layak kita dapatkan.


Terlalu banyak mikir bikin hidup lebih ribet

Monday, November 8, 2010

Smile even it's hurt

When you're in such a bad mood, try to smile. Yes, it's hard. But once you have successfully managed it, it could lighten your mood

It works for me, usually. Once i was such in a bad mood, and i was in a condition where i have to meet lots of people. I have to smile and greeted them. I have to force my lips to smile, it's hard, and maybe at first i was faking my smile. But at the end it worked. At the end, the smile and the returned warm smile was actually lighten my mood. Made me feel better.

And sometimes it doesnt work. When i was trying to smile for someone else while i was in a bad mood, i ended up hurting my heart, and sometimes it only made me want to cry.

Well, either way, try to smile is always good. When smile failed to cheer you up, at least smile for someone else, then hope your smile will brighten someone's else day.

I have received a lot, so i guess it's my turn to give a lot. Give until it's hurt. Smile, even it's hurt.
So, have you smiled today? =)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

curcol in the midnite

It's midnite already and I can't sleep. I can if I tried, but I am just not sleepy yet.

Tomorrow is weekend,but I am not really excited. Weird,huh? Since I always longing for weekend to come, the sooner the better haha. Maybe it's true the most exciting part of holiday is the waiting part, the excitement that holiday is close. Something like that. I know it's not 100 percent true,but aniwei,it has good point.

I've been strucked with this light insomnia for about a week. Can't sleep until midnite,or like now,after midnite. And without laptop to browse or gaming,it's harder for me to find something to do. Thanks to blackberry, at least I still can chat and blogging :D

And thanks to entertainment media, tonight I found this 'stardust' movie kinda interesting, so I finally have something to do beside bugging my friend hahaha.

Sorry for this unimportant post, just wanna babble ,and have noone to share with haha. This is what I love about blogging, to find ways to express unexpressed feeling.

Have a great weekend everyone! Hey,it's weekend,just forget about your work for a while. You'll have the whole week after that to think and contemplate about your work :D

Aniwei,do u know this MIKA song, 'Love Today'? For mizone flashmob jakarta? I just LOVEEE that song!! So energetic and mood uplifting!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Create moment and say good bye to a boring life

I am the type of person who get bored easily. When i have nothing to do, i feel guilty and i could feel like my life is worthless, because i dont have anything special and extraordinary to do while everyone else is busy pursuing their dream. I feel like there is something wrong with me. But recently i realized something, moments could help me getting rid of any ordinary day.

I just realized that i love moments. I love when i have special event and special day. "Special" doesnt have to be grand, "special" for me is as simple as giving meaning to any ordinary day.

Last monday was special because it was Monday, November 1st. It's 011110. It's the first day of the week and it's also the first day of this month. So, it was really a good chance and perfect time to make something new, something extraordinary. You see, it's only a state of mind. Though at the end of the day i didnt have any extraordinary things to do, at least i was excited to live that day.

You know, with a little creativity and imagination, we could make everyday special (at least for us) Just by putting meaning on each day. For example, i could make today is a special day by thinking it is 15 month 19 day after my bf and i first started our relationship, or it's November 2nd, and about a month and half later i'll have my birthday (haha). Things like that could make today special. You could think of anything to give meaning to your day.

Doing new simple things each day also can make our day extraordinary. Take different route to your office, take public transportation only for today, or drive by your own just for today, cook different menus that u have never tried before, chat with old friends, or even chat with new people. Try doing something new, even it's a small simple thing, could give new meaning to our day, making our day special and extraordinary.

At least it works for me, to help myself getting excited going through each day, and trying to make my life worth living.

And dont forget to be grateful in everything. It's not easy, but at the end grateful feeling could make you feel richer and happier. Because gratitude could make u realized how much blessing have been given to you all of this time. He's good, and always good.

Happiness is a choice, and it's a state of mind.

Happy sweet November, friends! Hang on, it's only a month left before Christmas and holiday
season! :D