there is time when i became soo mellow... if u think i am a really melancholic person, there is time when -even for myself, i became really really really mellow hahahaha...
and a couple minutes ago was the time..
belakangan berasa mumet bcoz of many things, it's like facing one (or some) of your biggest fear..and it's make me scared...
i just admitted my fear, my doubt, my worries, my problems to Him, yet, still trying to be tough, still trying to have a faith in Him, still convincing myself that He will make everything all right in His time..
and you know, i receive an INSTANT ANSWER! hahahahaha.. unbelievable! He is really a Mighty God..
just opened my new edition our daily bread, and on the first page, here comes His answer..
Waiting For Joy
A large part of life centers around anticipation. how much we would lose if we were to wake up one day to the unexpected announcement: "Christmas in 10 minutes!" The enjoyment in many of life's events is built on the fact that we have time to anticipate them.
Christmas, vacations, mission trips, sporting events. All gros in value because of the hours we spend looking foward to them -eagerly running through our minds the fun, challenges, and excitement they'll bring.
i think about the value of anticipation and the thrill it can bring to the human heart when i read Psalm 30:5, "weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." The psalmist is declaring the comforting idea that our earthly sorrow lasts but a short time when compared with the anticipated joy that will begin in heaven and last forever. Paul pens a similar idea in 2 Chorintians 4:17, where we discover that our "light affliction" leads to a glory of eternal value.
For now, those of us who weep can dwell on hope instead of hopelessness and anticipation instead of sorrow. it may be nighttime in our hearts, but just ahead lies the dawn of eternity. and with it, God promises the endless joy of heavenly morning. -Dave Branon
tribulation, grief and sorrow
are but heaven's steppingstones
to a bright and glad tomorrow
where no heartache can be known -Glass
we can endure this life's trials because of the next life's joys.
waaa... keren sekali.. suddenly it's like my heart is lighten and brighten.. it's like i see my problems from a different persepective, and suddenly it's not really hard anymore.. it's not much to fear about.. waaw....
thankiu..thankiu..thankiu.. really really thankiu my Jesus...
gw jadi inget di film Batman, ada kata-kata yg intinya seperti ini, 'malam paling gelap ketika fajar (dawn) akan datang,'
so, be patient! endure in sorrow, in problems and keep the faith.
weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. -Psalm 30:5
Mazmur 127
8 years ago
suka nih gw ama kutipan dari mazmur nya... versi inggris nya ternyata punya makna yang lebih universal...=)
ane baru tau kalo ente pake ODB...
ane sich demen ODB yg lagu rohani... banyak tuh instrumentalnya di perpus greja kita... bagus2...
sedang untuk saat teduh saya tdk pake ODB karena ODB pake bahasa Inggris sedangkan English saya sendiri kelas tempe...
jadi ya... pake santapan harian de hehehe
oh iya tentang Psalm itu... bukannya harapan yg di pagi hari itu melambangkan Kristus yg adalah harapan bagi mereka yg di dalam gelap ya? CMIIW...
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