Thursday, February 10, 2011

Am on diet

I am officially on diet. Why? Because :

1. My 2 cousins are getting married on June and August. And i am going to be an usher at their wedding day, so i want to look good on that dress. One of them had bought me the dress, and told us (me and my other cousins) to go on diet if we think we're too big (how mean), so the dress will fit nicely on us. There, that's the first reason

2. I am going to BALI! Another cousin and her parents are going to visit us (they live abroad) in Indonesia, and my cousin asking me to accompany her to Bali. She has never been going to Bali, so she really want to visit Bali. So, me and my 3 cousins are going to Bali this april. I really look foward to it, and i am so excited, coz it'll be a girls only trip. Yeay! And, i am going to wear cute dress over there, so, i will have to keep my body in shape. I want to look nice at the picture hahaha.

So, i'm going to say this for the upcoming valentine's day :

Please dont buy me chocolate because im on diet, but if you insist to give me something, just buy me something else that i can wear :D


Nirmala said...

makan olyukenit yuk de...hihi...

ratieh said...

Ha..i'm on diet too! i'm trying hard not to eat snack and chocolate. but it's FAILED! because my boss gave a box of chocolates. -__-"

btw, nice blog. wanna exchange link with me? i already followed you.


amadea said...

@ nirmala : yuk ci! tapi breakfast aja yah, abis itu ga makan seharian hihihi

@ ratieh : hi, salam kenal. thank you for following me. i have followed you too, nice blog :D keep posting yah

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