well, it's October, it's wedding month! haha.. i dunno why, seems like (almost) everyone's getting married on this october. i had received 3 invitation on the beginning of this month, and if it added with my mom's and boyfriend's invitation, there are 2 more,and, i know 2 more couples which are getting married on this october too(but i am not invited hehe) so, from whom i know only, there are 7 couples getting married! wow! =D
1 of these 7 couples is my cousin, 1 is my relative, and my another cousin is getting maried on november; so, my big family is preparing for those big days.. no wonder, this marriage topic is a hot topic. ckckck..
really have no idea what it's feel like to get married, to have a husband, to have our own family.. and, different from any other girls, who have dreamed about their wedding day since they were kids, i havent really thinking about my wedding day.. even a couple month ago, that marriage topic was a big no no topic and i really didnt want to talk about it.. allergic to that topic somehow.. hehe
well, right now i dont feel allergic to that topic, thanks to my Dear God who has given me someone special so those marriage things wont be a far-far-far away and unreachable topic anymore hahahaha. BUT i still feel strange about those topics, and those arent my top priorities right now (so, in case u ask me if i am about to get married, the answer is no, i wont be getting married in for a time being )
we all know that marriage is a big thing and those who are ready to get married, supposed to be ready to take the risks too.. it's not only about love, ceremonial things, reception, party, or else, but it's far deeper and more complicated. it's a life changing moment (or event?). it wont be easy, becoz it needs patience, commitment,and a well matured characters. somehow i think a successful and a long lasting marriage is a blessed marriage, becoz human being cant really take care of their own marriage and their own lives if it's not by God's grace and God's strength. dont u agree? too many 'ideals' couples we know are divorced, especially them, celebrities ; actress and actors. there's no guarantee that a (seems like) ideal couple will last forever.. well, it scared me somehow..but i believe in God and God;s grace, after all, my life is all about His grace. so, what to worry? =)
i believe i'll get married one day, i dunno when, but i pray to God that He will prepares me from now on, so by the time comes, I (n my future husband) will be ready and will have a long lasting and succesful marriage =D. amen.
for those who are getting married on this wedding months, CONGRATULATIONS! really happy for you all, and best wishes!
Mazmur 127
8 years ago
Hehe iya ni dea, banyak banget sekarang yang bulan Oktober Married, tunggu aja tahun depan 10 Oktober 2010.. pas hari minggu lage, let's see berapa banyak yang married di tanggal itu.. hehehe...
Well, tentang resep perkawinan itu, 30% cinta 70% persen pengertian.. Pasti awet d, keikhlasan untuk menerima pasangan kita apa adanya, bukan dia menjadi seperti apa yang kita inginkan, tapi dia yang apa adanya yang kita inginkan hahaha...
pernah denger suatu quote yang simple tapi bagus :"Do Not love someone because she is beautiful, but She is beautiful because you love her"
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