Yesterday, i got news that one of my bf's colleague has passed away, because of heart attack. The shocking thing is, he was barely 30 years old! He supposedly was too young to have a heart atttack, wasnt he? And you know, just a day before he was still working overtime at his office, one of the big four public accountant office in indonesia. Scary, isnt it?
This, make me think, your job could kill you, seriously. The pressure, the workload, the unhealthy and unbalanced life, bad working environment, those could kill you slowly. Yes i know, we supposed to be strong and not give up easily facing this difficult life and chalenging work, but maybe you should define your limit. You have to hold steadfastly to your priority and life's value, so you could decide which one is important and which one is not. Once your work started to make your life unbalanced, even started to demand to be your first priority, maybe it's time to rethink and evaluate your life's value. Is your job, your position and your career worth more than your relationship, your health, even your life?
Think and decide wisely! Your money, your position, and your pride wont do any good if you dont have family and special person beside you, or you dont have health to enjoy all of it.
And for those whose friends, family, or beloved ones are trapped in difficult and stressful job, maybe it's wiser to not pushed them too hard, or demand them. Because, you'll never know someone's limit, just support them and be there whenever they need you. While praying they could just choose well, not giving up easily nor stubbornly holding their job.
Sigh. Life is really very short. You could live one day, and the next day you'll be gone. Scary.
*Yes i know, there are many possibilities why my bf's colleague got heart attack, but as far as i know, lots of stress could be one of the trigger. And as far as i know, working at the big four public accountant company is really a stressful work, not everyone could handle it well. So, i just think and write down the possibility :)
Mazmur 127
8 years ago
deee...jgn stress2 dikantor yaahhh...
Bahayaaa... hehehehe
Tell your own bf bout this! LOL
Orang Indonesia harus belajar membudayakan kerja 9-4, De.
Lebih sehat...
Apalagi utk calon ibu RT spt ente :p
@ ellys : hahaha iya liss bahayaa ternyata..
@ dina: udah donk, dia udah serem sendiri dengernya, jadi pengen cepet2 resign haha
@ ipin upin : haha maunya jg gitu. siapa yg ga mau haha
kan kalo kerja begituan gajinya gede de, terus hidup lebih enak kan?
@benny : yah itu pilihan ben, semua kan ada konsekuensinya, tergantung prioritas lo apa kan. but in the end, money wont help at all :)
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