Yup. Actually my birthday is on December 16th, and since it's already march, people arent supposed to say happy birthday to me anymore. But in fact they did, because i just celebrated my-so-called-24th birthday party on last weekend, March 5th,2011 at Seaside Suki Ancol.
Actually it wasnt only my birthday party, but it was also Erin, Melisa, Susanto, and Ade's birthday party. We celebrated it together, though it's not a real birthday party anymore. But we just wanted to meet our old high school friends, and had quality time together. And it was indeed a great time. Meet up with old friends is always fun.
On my last two birthdays, i had a 'bad habit' to celebrate my birthday late. Last year, i just had my birthday dinner with them around July. What a record haha. And this year was getting better i suppose, since i held it on march, 'only' 3 months late haha. And if you wonder why, well, December is always my busy season. It's kinda hard for me to make a dinner with them during christmas preparation and year end vacation.
Well, the good side of having late birthday dinner is, you can feel like you have two birthday in a year! Two days for being like a princess *lebay. And this is what i love most, i still get presents even if it wasnt my birthday anymore hahaha.
And these are what i got for this (last) year birthday.
The birthday cake

Very creative isnt it? The cake was made by my friend, Dian who is very talented in making any kind of cake. Veryy delicious.
And you see our photos on the cake? It was made by another friend, Kwok Albert who is really talented in graphic designing. I really love this cake. Purrfect :D
One last best thing about my late birthday dinner is, i got another surprise from my boyfriend. He gave me this
Well, it actually a 'cheer up' gift and card, but since i just had my late birthday dinner, he gave that birthday card instead. Wow i was really surprised. I love fragrance, i love lotion, and i love the body shop. And did you notice the card? It says, "Happy birthday! To keep young it's a good idea to go to sleep early" hahaha. Well, it's just soo him. Big thank you to you, dear :D
I cant say enough THANK YOU to all of you guys. I am really blessed having you guys in my life. Muach.
*Thanks for Marcel Spencer for those photos
De, tahun lalu.. Kita kan ngadainnya januari yg brg ama frans.. ◦°◦нeнeнeнeнe◦°◦ yg di sushi ya ya ya..°\(^▿^)/°
haha iya yah rin? gw ingetnya bareng frans, jadi gw kira pas bulan juli gitu hahaha. kalo gitu tahun ini ya yg kita telat banget hihihi..
iyaaaaa seru kemareeenn!!! :D :D :D
ga sabar menunggu kloter berikutnya haha =)
\(^o^)/ - Ade Wijaya
Wow, namaku disebut..GR mode:on..hahahha..Erin bener, dea..tahun lalu kalian rayain januari..si frans yang telat bgt dr juli ke januari..justru tahun ini yg lu lebih telat rayainnya..hahaha..Asal jangan smp nanti makin mundur aja, mengurangi jumlah ketemuan..hahaha..Love the party as well..
-Dian Wanandi-
iya2.. Ampun2 gw yang telat.. huahahaha..
Pengen kumpul2 sambil nginep nihh.
Kaya yang ke bandung itu, tapi sesi ngmpl2 ngbrolnya dilamain, hehehe
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